
This page contains only API docs. For more info, visit tfdeploy on GitHub.

Deploy tensorflow graphs for fast evaluation and export to tensorflow-less environments running numpy.



class tfdeploy.Model(path=None)

A trained model that contains one or more converted tensorflow graphs. When path is set, a previously saved model is loaded from that path. Usage:

import tensorflow as tf
import tfdeploy as td

# build your graph, use names for input and output tensors
sess = tf.Session()
x = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 784], name="input")
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([784, 100], stddev=0.05))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([100]))
y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x, W) + b, name="output")

# ... training ...

# create a model and save it to disk
model = td.Model()
model.add(y, sess)"/path/to/model.pkl")

And then in an other file:

import tfdeploy as td
import numpy as np

model = td.Model("/path/to/model.pkl")
inp, outp = model.get("input", "output")

batch = np.random.rand(10000, 784)
result = outp.eval({inp: batch})

Contained root tensors in a dict mapped to a key.

get(*names, key=None)

Returns one or more Tensor instances given by names using a deep lookup within the model. If key is not None, only the root tensor with that key is traversed. None is returned when no tensor was found. In case a tensor is passed, it’s name is used for the lookup.

add(tensor, tf_sess=None, key=None, **kwargs)

Adds a new root tensor for a key which, if None, defaults to a consecutive number. When tensor is not an instance of Tensor but an instance of tensorflow.Tensor, it is converted first. In that case, tf_sess should be a valid tensorflow session and kwargs are forwarded to the Tensor constructor.


Loads all tensors from a file defined by path and adds them to the root set.


Saves all tensors of the root set to a file defined by path.


class tfdeploy.Tensor(tf_tensor, tf_sess, tf_feed_dict=None)

Building block of a model. In graph terms, tensors represent connections between nodes (ops) of a graph. It contains information on the op it results from. The conversion uses the (tensorflow) instances tf_tensor and tf_sess, tf_feed_dict can be set to evaluate the tensor’s current value.


The name of the tensor.


The integer value index of this tensor, i.e., the position in the op’s output list.


The op instance that defines the value of this tensor. When created from a tensorflow.Placeholder or a tensorflow.Variable, op will be None.


The value of this tensor. When created from a tensorflow.Variable, this will be the value of that variable, or None otherwise until it is evaluated the first time.


Returns one or more tensors given by names using a deep lookup within the inputs of the op. Note that this tensor is returned when the name matches. None is returned when no tensor was found.


Returns the value of this tensor based on the evaluation of all dependent ops and tensors. You can overwrite values of dependent tensors using feed_dict, a mapping of tensors to numpy arrays, which is passed down the evaluation chain.


class tfdeploy.Operation(tf_op, *args, **kwargs)

Building block of a model. In graph terms, operations (ops) represent nodes that are connected via tensors. It contains information on its input tensors. The conversion uses the (tensorflow) instance tf_op, all args and kwargs are forwarded to the Tensor constructor for this op’s input tensors. Op instances can have multiple implementations, i.e., different methods that lead to equivalent results but might use additional third-party software such as scipy. To select a specific implementation, invoke use_impl():

# tell SomeOp to use the scipy implementation of its op logic

See add_impl() for more info about adding new implementations.


A tuple containing the types of tensorflow ops that this op can represent.


If True (default), the values of evaluated input tensors are forwarded to func as single arguments, or, otherwise, as a list.


Names of the configuration attributes of the original tensorflow op in a tuple.


The name of the op.


Tuple of tensors that are input to this op. Their order is important as they are forwarded to func for evaluation.


Keyword arguments containing configuration values that will be passed to func.

classmethod new(tf_op, *args, **kwargs)

Factory function that takes a tensorflow op tf_op and returns an instance of the appropriate op class. args and kwargs are forwarded to the op constructor. Raises an exception of type UnknownOperationException in case the requested op type is not known.

set_attr(attr, value)

Overwrites the value of an attribute attr with a new value.


Returns one or more tensors given by names using a deep lookup within this op. None is returned when no tensor was found.


Returns the value of all output tensors in a tuple. See Tensor.eval() for more info.

classmethod func(*args)

The actual op logic. By default, the method call is forwareded to the implementation-specific version which is determined using impl. Overwrite this method in inheriting classes to disable this feature. Must return a tuple.

static func_numpy(*args)

Numpy implementation of the op logic. Returns a tuple.

static func_scipy(*args)

Scipy implementation of the op logic. Returns a tuple.

classmethod factory(func=None, impl=IMPL_NUMPY, **kwargs)

Returns a new op class whose static function will be set to func. The name of func will also be the op class name. impl is the default implementation type of the op. kwargs are used to update the class dict of the newly created op class.

classmethod use_impl(impl)

Switches the implementation type to impl. Returns the previous type.

classmethod add_impl(impl)

Decorator to add an additional implementation to this op. Example:

# initial implementation using factory, defaults to numpy
def MyOp(a, b):
    # use numpy only
    return ...

# also add a scipy implementation
def MyOp(a, b):
    # also use scipy
    return ...


class tfdeploy.Ensemble(paths=None, method=0)

An ensemble is a wrapper around multiple models to compute ensemble values. It can initialized with a list of model paths and an ensembling method that decides how to compute the merged value.

# create the ensemble
ensemble = Ensemble(["model1.pkl", "model2.pkl", ...], METHOD_MEAN)

# get input and output tensors (which actually are TensorEnsemble instances)
input, output = ensemble.get("input", "output")

# evaluate the ensemble just like a normal model
batch = ...
value = output.eval({input: batch})

If you want to use another method than METHOD_MEAN, METHOD_MAX or METHOD_MAX, use METHOD_CUSTOM and overwrite the func_custom method of the TensorEnsemble instance.


A list that contains all read models.


The ensembling method.

get(*names, key=None)

Returns one or more TensorEnsemble instances given by names using a deep lookup within all read models. Each returned tensor ensemble will have len(models) tensors. If a model does not contain a specific tensor defined by a specific name, the associated ensemble tensor will contain a None for that model in its tensors. If key is not None, only the root tensors with that key are traversed.


Loads models from a list of paths.


class tfdeploy.TensorEnsemble(tensors, method=0)

A tensor ensemble basically contains a list of tensors that correspond to models of an Ensemble instance.


Evaluates all contained tensors using a feed_dict and returns the ensemble value. The keys of feed_dict must be tensor ensembles. Its values can be batches, i.e., numpy arrays, or lists or tuples of batches. In the latter case, these lists or tuples must have the same length as the list of stored tensors as they will be mapped.


The actual ensembling logic that combines multiple values. The method call is forwareded tothe ensemble method-specific variant which is determined using method.



tfdeploy.setup(tf, order=None)

Sets up global variables (currently only the tensorflow version) to adapt to peculiarities of different tensorflow versions. This function should only be called before Model creation, not for evaluation. Therefore, the tensorflow module tf must be passed:

import tensorflow as tf
import tfdeploy as td


# ...

Also, when order is not None, it is forwarded to optimize() for convenience.



Resets the instance caches of TensorRegister and OperationRegister.



Tries to set the implementation type of all registered Operation classes to impl. This has no effect when an op does not implement that type.

The behavior is equivalent to:

for op in Operation.__subclasses__():
    if impl in op.impls:

impl can also be a list or tuple of valid implementation types representing a preferred order.

Other Attributes


Implementation type for ops that use numpy (the default).


Implementation type for ops that use scipy.


A flag that is True when scipy is available on your system.



exception tfdeploy.UnknownOperationException

An exception which is raised when trying to convert an unknown tensorflow.


exception tfdeploy.OperationMismatchException

An exception which is raised during instantiation of an op whose type does not match the underlying tensorflow op.


exception tfdeploy.InvalidImplementationException

An exception which is raised when an implementation of an unknown type is registered for an Operation class.


exception tfdeploy.UnknownImplementationException

An exception which is raised when an Operation instance is requested to use an implementation type that was not yet added.


exception tfdeploy.UnknownEnsembleMethodException

An exception which is raised when an Ensemble instance is initialised with an unknown ensemle method.


exception tfdeploy.EnsembleMismatchException

An exception which is raised when a TensorEnsemble instance is evaluated with a feed_dict whose keys, i.e. also TensorEnsemble instances, do not match the tensor to evaluate. An example would be that a tensor ensemble with n tensors is evaluated with a tensor ensemble it its feed_dict that contains m tensors.


exception tfdeploy.ScipyOperationException(attr)

An exception which is raised when trying to evaluate an op that uses scipy internally and scipy is not available.